UniClique Forum

Free recycle

Started by mrptc 2018-08-27 at 11:57
3 replies to this topic
Posts: 21
Admin why dont you give us free recycle for a day in order to get activity ref given the fact that most of our ref stop clicking.
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i think uniclique project failed can recover again
Posts: 203
Quote: mrptc
Admin why dont you give us free recycle for a day in order to get activity ref given the fact that most of our ref stop clicking.

I used to give so many promo days and discounts before but seems no one has appreciated it. So I decided to stop for some time. The RR recycling is a personal responsibility for every one of you. If you know how to manage your account and take advantage of the discounts and promos that I am giving, you then can easily save money and use it for recycling.... the whole account management is not that easy task, still it is possible for everyone.
Posts: 203
For those of you who still do not know, I have installed rented referrals system in Gpthub.com and there will be soon free autorecycling feature added. So stay tuned ;-)

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